
Install and configure

Install Django Elasticsearch DSL:

pip install django-anysearch-dsl

Then add django_elasticsearch_dsl to the INSTALLED_APPS

You must define ELASTICSEARCH_DSL in your django settings.

For example:

    'default': {
        'hosts': 'localhost:9200'

ELASTICSEARCH_DSL is then passed to elasticsearch-dsl-py.connections.configure (see here).

Declare data to index

Then for a model:

# models.py

class Car(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField()
    color = models.CharField()
    description = models.TextField()
    type = models.IntegerField(choices=[
        (1, "Sedan"),
        (2, "Truck"),
        (4, "SUV"),

To make this model work with Elasticsearch, create a subclass of django_elasticsearch_dsl.Document, create a class Index inside the Document class to define your Elasticsearch indices, names, settings etc and at last register the class using registry.register_document decorator. It is required to define Document class in documents.py in your app directory.

# documents.py

from django_elasticsearch_dsl import Document
from django_elasticsearch_dsl.registries import registry
from .models import Car

class CarDocument(Document):
    class Index:
        # Name of the Elasticsearch index
        name = 'cars'
        # See Elasticsearch Indices API reference for available settings
        settings = {'number_of_shards': 1,
                    'number_of_replicas': 0}

    class Django:
        model = Car # The model associated with this Document

        # The fields of the model you want to be indexed in Elasticsearch
        fields = [

        # Ignore auto updating of Elasticsearch when a model is saved
        # or deleted:
        # ignore_signals = True

        # Configure how the index should be refreshed after an update.
        # See Elasticsearch documentation for supported options:
        # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/docs-refresh.html
        # This per-Document setting overrides settings.ELASTICSEARCH_DSL_AUTO_REFRESH.
        # auto_refresh = False

        # Paginate the django queryset used to populate the index with the specified size
        # (by default it uses the database driver's default setting)
        # queryset_pagination = 5000


To create and populate the Elasticsearch index and mapping use the search_index command:

$ ./manage.py search_index --rebuild

Now, when you do something like:

car = Car(
    name="Car one",
    description="A beautiful car"

The object will be saved in Elasticsearch too (using a signal handler).